Pulse duo
  • -32%
  • Pulse duo

Pulse duo

Sandelyje Pristatymo laikas: 4-7 dienos

Sandelyje 94.95
Jūsų nauda 44.05€
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Pagrindiniai duomenys Visi duomenys
Anga: Neanatominė
Maitinimas: Įkraunamas
Medžiaga: Silikonas, ABS
Skersmuo Ø (cm): 3.5
Spalva: Tamsiai mėlyna
Pure pleasure for couples and men – even without an erection!

Normally, the male climax requires the man to have an erection. Research has now shown that high-amplitude oscillations at the frenulum, which is part of the male glans, can also lead to an orgasm - no erection is needed for that. Until now, this knowledge has only been used for developing medical devices for men who have a spinal cord injury, so they can ejaculate and have children as well. The Pulse Duo now also uses these oscillations for sex toys. The patented PulsePlate Technology featuring a low-frequency pulse plate has won numerous awards already.

There is usually an erection required when using a conventional masturbator. The shell-shaped Pulse Duo masturbator can even be used by men with erectile dysfunction. That's because the velvety soft silicone wings enclose his best asset - it doesn't matter if the penis is erect or not. The glans is automatically placed in a specific way so the PulsePlate rests against his sensitive frenulum. The vibrations then let him reach an orgasm reliably - even if the penis stays flaccid the whole time.

The masturbator features six different modes for its oscillations and an additional turbo mode. According to the manufacturer’s information, it offers 25% more power than its predecessor. An integrated anti-stall sensor prevents the PulsePlate from being blocked when there is too much pressure applied.

The masturbator can also provide thorough stimulation of the penis with the typical up-and-down movement. But for men with erectile dysfunction it might be more interesting that the Pulse Duo can also be used without an additional stimulation movement – similar to the devices used in the medical sector.

The Pulse Duo is an innovative toy for couples as well: the base of the toy also emits intense vibrations which the woman can control easily via remote control. The masturbator can be used as a lay-on vibrator this way and also offers 3 vibration intensities. The man can enjoy the oscillations of the PulsePlate at the same time and control them with the push of a button on the toy. The missionary or cowgirl position are best suited for that, since the toy is held in position by body weight. This allows for a very special kind of hands-free lovemaking.

The masturbator is 100% waterproof. It can be recharged with the included magnetic charger with USB cable. A storage bag is also included. Complete length 11.7 cm, Ø 3.5 cm. Silicone, ABS.
Silikonas, ABS
Skersmuo Ø (cm)
Tamsiai mėlyna
Varpos stimuliavimas
Su nuotolinio valdymo pulteliu
Vibracijos parametrai
Su vibracija
Visas ilgis (cm)

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  • Pristatymo kaina užsisakius prekių už mažiau kaip 30 EUR – 2.40 EUR.
  • Pristatymo kaina užsisakius prekių už 30 EUR arba daugiau – nemokamai.
  • Prekė pristatoma ypač konfidencialioje pakuotėje.
  • Atsiimant siuntą papildomai mokėti nereikia.


  • Pristatymo kaina užsisakius prekių už mažiau kaip 60 EUR – 10,00 EUR.
  • Pristatymo kaina užsisakius prekių už 60 EUR arba daugiau – nemokamai.
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  • Prekė pristatoma ypač konfidencialioje pakuotėje.
  • Atsiimant siuntą papildomai mokėti nereikia.


  • Užsakymus siunčiame į visas ES ir NVS šalis.
  • Užsakymų pristatymas ES šalyse: iki 30 EUR – 12 EUR, 31-60 EUR – 9 EUR, 61–115 EUR – 6 EUR , 116–143 EUR – 3 EUR.
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